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automotive coating performance testing


nondestructive analysis automotive materials performance
environmental reliability auto parts cleanliness
fatigue life testing automobile pipeline performance
automobile coating performance



in the chemical industry, electronics, electrical, metal and other industries, in order to achieve protection or decoration of various materials or components for increasing the mechanical strength and the strengthening of other aspects of the function, usually including exterior parts, fasteners and a variety of mechanical drive components using spray coverage and non-ferrous metal phosphate, anodizing and other methods, thus giving rise to a coating, plating, coating, or chemically generated film paste layer concept we call "cladding."


test purposes:

related performance testing coating or plating process has become the most important material processing industry has a user finished product quality testing mandatory. is that products meet quality standards necessary means. at present, the domestic and foreign press has been generally consistent with international standards measured for coating properties, select coating detection method and apparatus of the gradual progress of research in the physical properties of materials and more critical.


the main test items:

coating / plating thickness test

surface roughness

pencil hardness

pendulum hardness



adhesion test

friction tape

taber rotational friction

taber rubs

finger friction

dupont impact

gravel impact

falling ball impact test

high pressure flushing test

chemical resistance test

  • contact us
  • mtt shenzhen

    tel: 400-850-4050

    fax: 0755-2782 1672



    mtt suzhou

    tel: 400-118-1002

    fax: 0512-6275 9537



    mtt shanghai

    tel: 400-118-1002



    mtt dongguan

    tel: 400-116-1002

shenzhen meixin testing technology co., ltd.
