fatigue life testing -凯发官网入口首页

fatigue life testing of automotive components


nondestructive analysis automotive materials performance
environmental reliability auto parts cleanliness
fatigue life testing automobile pipeline performance
automobile coating performance


test significance:

fatigue is the main form of damaged auto parts, in actual use, due to changing load and speed of these parts are usually subject to periodic alternating stress until the destruction, which is known as fatigue failure, mileage at failure or the number of cycles of fatigue life.


testing purposes:

analog auto parts repeatedly stretched in the actual use of the car, compression, bending, torsion and bending fatigue tests, etc., and to assess the service life of components.


the main test items:

low cycle fatigue

creep test

tension - torsional fatigue test

determination of s-n curves

load - displacement fatigue test

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items within the box car endurance test

cars in the electronic key life testing

combination switch durability test car

  • contact us
  • mtt shenzhen

    tel: 400-850-4050

    fax: 0755-2782 1672

    email: marketing@mttlab.com


    mtt suzhou

    tel: 400-118-1002

    fax: 0512-6275 9537

    email: marketing@mttlab.com


    mtt shanghai

    tel: 400-118-1002

    email: marketing@mttlab.com


    mtt dongguan

    tel: 400-116-1002


shenzhen meixin testing technology co., ltd.
