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bend test and compressive test


hardness test tensile test
impact toughness high temperature mechanical properties
fatigue failure wear resistance
fracture toughness bend test and compressive test


bend test


it is one of the basic methods to measure the mechanical properties of the material under bending load. common test items include bending modulus, bending strength, and so on.


testing standards:

gb/t 232、iso 7438、gb/t 9341、iso 178、astm d790 etc.


test schematic diagram


typical curve


compressive test


it is a test for determining the mechanical properties of material under the action of axial static pressure, and it is one of the basic methods of material mechanical properties testing. the largest compression load divided by the specimen cross-sectional area when the sample is destroyed is known as compressive strength limit or compressive strength. compression test is mainly applied to brittleness material, such as cast iron, bearing alloy and building materials. for plastic material, in addition to compressive strength limit, the modulus of elasticity, proportional limits and yield strength are measurable.


testing standards:

gb/t 7314、gb/t 1041


test schematic diagram


typical curve

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